The "All-In-One" Marketing

CRM Software Solution

Pro Cloud Marketing Group is a Digital Marketing Agency providing Professional Advertisement Services Designed to Help Small Businesses Attract New Customers and Manage Their Existing Clients using our Advanced Marketing CRM Software

Marketing Software Features

  • Search Our New Client Lead Finder Database & Launch Email Campaigns
  • Attract New Social Media Clients With Auto Scheduled Marketing Ads
  • Send Text Messages, Push Notifications & Follow Up Phone Calls To Nurture New Leads
  • Activate LinkedIn Campaigns, Google My Business & SEO Search Optimization

Social Media Marketing

Ad Scheduler Dashboard

  • Our 1 Click App BLASTS Your Link With Free Traffic In Minutes By Activating Our Ad Post Tools Using: Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & 16 Other Social Media Sources
  • In 3 Simple Steps You Can Easily Schedule Your Ads To Post On All Of Your Social Media Accounts
  • Quickly Schedule The Date and Time For Your Social Media Video Ads To Go "Live"
  • Attract New Clients By Posting Unlimited Social Media Ads On The Go!

"Marketing Strategy Webinar" - Replay

Watch Now & Learn New Marketing Tips

Your company will work remotely with our marketing team online using Screen-Share Technology to setup and launch your:

  • Free Traffic Funnels & Paid Ad Social Media Campaigns Using Our Software and Pay-Per-Click Tools
  • Create your Mobile Business Card Digital Links, Email Funnels, Website, Corporate Phone Call Database & Text Messaging

New Client Lead Finder

Access & Import Leads Into CRM

Launch your marketing campaign by finding new leads in our online database for various industries

  • Simply download prospect client information directly into your online CRM (Customer Relationship Management Software)
  • You can search any geographic location by City, State, Job Title, and receive names, phone, email, etc.

Business Email Marketing

Launch Automated Campaigns

Website Design Studio

Customize Web Templates

Phone & Text PBX System

Call Clients From Database

The Local Marketing "Mobile Ad" Software will enables your company to highlight a specific neighborhood, street, region, or even a specific home on a Google map and give you the ability to advertise on cellphones directly.

Local Marketing "Mobile Ads"

Geofence Cellphone Technology

  • Step 1: login and gather name, email, phone, mortgage info, x-datFull Widthes, home value, credit score range, income, and more.

  • Step 2: You can then use the Software to reach out to these prospects via email, video email, text, ring-less voicemail, and direct mail.

Attract Thousands of New Leads & Generate More Sales with Pro Cloud Marketing Solutions

Ecommerce Pro Cloud "Done-For- You Marketing CRM Software Solutions

YouTube Video Ads

Free Online Traffic Leads

Google My Business

Advertisement Tools

LinkedIn Lead Connect

Automated Marketing

Social Live Broadcaster!

Video Marketing

Facebook Social Planner

New Lead Engagement

Instagram Social Leads

Marketing Tools

Twitter X Marketing

Advertisement Ad Post

TikTok Business Ads

Viral Post Dashboard

Mobile Business Card

Cellphone Marketing App

Business Management Data Center Features

Business Management

Data Center Software

CRM Customer Relations

Management Software

SEO Search Engine Opt

Online Web Search Database

Business Essentials Account


1 Admin Account

5 Team Members

CRM Customer Management Database


Add-On App Database

Lead Finder

Database App

Social Media Ad Scheduler

Email Marketing Campaign Automation

50 Text Messages Monthly Plan

50 Ringless Voicemails

500 Talking Minutes

(One-Time $25 Phone Number Activation Fee)

Mobile Push

Notifications App

New Lead Finder App Upload 100 Monthly

Mobile Business Card Marketing App

Website Design / Lead Funnel Triggers

Business Email Address

Online Shopping Store

Survey & Form Builder

Dedicated Account Manager Services:

Social Media Marketing

1 Weekly Marketing

Campaign Setup

Email Campaign Setup

1 Weekly Email

Campaign Setup

Funnel Automation

1 Weekly Marketing Funnel Campaign

Pro Cloud +

Plus Member



2 Admin Accounts

10 Team Members

+All Business

Essentials Apps

Phone Calling Plan

Geo Marketing

Basic Plan

Design Pro Studio

Video Editing App

Domain Name & SSL

250 Text Messages

250 Ringless Voicemails

1,000 Talking Minutes

Customer Support Chat

Live Support

Ticket App

Website Pop-Up Advertisement App

Marketing Institute Course Membership

Podcast Online Hosting

Online Calendar / Appointment App

E-Flipbook / E-Magazine

ChatGPT Video Design

Dedicated Account Manager Services:

4 Hour Administrative Assistance Plan

4 Consecutive Hour Availability OR 1 Hour a Week Staff Hourly Fee

($19.75) x 4 Weeks is:

$79 Marketing CRM Software Discounted to: $18 Month

Platinum Member Account


3 Admin Accounts

15 Team Members

+All Business Essential & Tools Included

+Pro Cloud Plus+ Account App Features

1,000 Text Messages

1,000 Ringless Voicemails

Ringless Voicemail Marketing Plus+ Bundle

1,000 Talking Minutes
(Telephone Service)

Client Onboard App Video Questionnaire

Geo Marketing

Platinum Lead Finder

Custom Phone Greeting Direct Staff Extensions

Social Media Marketing

New Lead Finder & Ads

Business Management Data Center Access

Project Management

Accounting / Payroll Banking App

Online Document Signature App

AI Business Plan

Maker Integration

Dedicated Account Manager Services:

8 Hour Administrative Assistance Plan

2 Consecutive Hours Per Week Availability OR

4 Hours a Week


Staff Hourly Fee ($19.75) x 8 Hours is:

$158 Marketing CRM Software Discounted to: $39 Month

Enterprise Unlimited
Phone Account


5 Admin Accounts

20+ Team Members

+All Business Essential Tools Included

+Pro Cloud Plus+ & Platinum Corporate

Unlimited PBX Phone System Talking Minutes

2,500 Text Messages

2,500 Ringless Voicemails

100,000 New Lead Access | Lead Finder Database App

List Your Business On 70+ Online Search Engine Websites such as: Yelp, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

Video Meeting Portal

Webinar Scheduler

Advanced Geo Fence Local Marketing

Social Media Marketing Apps Automated Ads

SEO Optimization


Online Directory Listing

Text To Audio File


Dedicated Account Manager Services:

12 Hour Administrative Assistance Plan -

Either 3 Consecutive Hours Per Week for 4 Weeks OR 6 Hours a Week Bi-Weekly

Staff Hourly Fee ($19.75) x 12 Hours is: $237 Month

(The Marketing CRM Software Discounted to: $60 Month)